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The Integral Blog

The Integral Blog

The Fun Stuff (An Integral Group Tradition)

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For years now one way we do that at Integral Group is to celebrate everyone’s individual work anniversary. On the day of the anniversary an email goes out and is copied to the whole staff … so that we can all offer congratulations. When we were at the office together, about 10 am the kitchen would fill up with platters of delicious cookies, muffins, cakes, pretzels or fruit.

Of necessity, things have changed since Covid. The Happy Work Anniversary email still goes out as always but congrats are shared over Slack and Zoom instead of in person. Now, a treat chosen especially for the individual is couriered to their home.

Our people are the heart of Integral Group: We like working with each other and with our customers. So it makes sense to have a bit of festivity around the day each of us started … and it’s a fun tradition we wanted to share with our readers.

Andrea is the one who remembers the dates, sends out the emails and organizes the treats. These are some of the graphics that have accompanied the emails:
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